Water to Breathe

How long can a person live off the oxygen in water? About 1 day…   I was sitting in my office wondering if I had to break down water into H2 and O using Electrolysis, how long could I live ...

VPN Security Hole

WebRTC creates a security hole in both Chrome and Firefox. Without an addon there is no good way to disable this security hole in Chrome but you can disable WebRTC in Firefox. First check to see if yo...

Two Worlds One Sun

I was e-mailed this photo which was put together by JPL. Due to the lack of water on Mars the sunsets are blue. I love knowing there are other worlds out there; both close and far away from us…...

WordPress Forwards

I am not implementing this on this website but I thought this would be a good reference. If you want to forward a user to the latest blog post, you can make a new php document and link to that.  In t...

American Political System Vs European System

A user (fragglet) on Reddit gave a great overview of why America has a two party political system and most of Europe has a multi-party political system.  The original post is Here. The Question: A ...

Heartbleed explained!

With news breaking on Monday, April 7th that the Heartbleed bug causes a vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptographic library, which is used by roughly two-thirds of all websites on the Internet many pe...

The Universe 2014

I have always known the universe is a massive place, and I often stare into the stars and wonder what all is out there.  On many occasions I have seen images like this one, but nothing I have found r...

Commercial Space Program – Virgin Galactic

I don’t know about you but one of the top things on my bucket list is to go into outer space.  Only a few years ago your chances of going to space in your life were one in a few hundred million...

Professional Street Artists

I recently was in Sweden and ran into a wonderful street performer named Pare that played the violin in a small town train station. The first song I heard him play was exceptional.  I decided to talk...

News and Media that I enjoy

There are a few different types of media that the Internet has to offer and I really appreciate the diversity.  I thought I would write a quick post on the differences between the different types and...